Mesoln always in the hunt of IOT based projects ideas and topics that are new to be implemented. With the emerging possibility of connecting more and more hardware to the internet, our collection on iot projects is never limited. We regularly update on latest and cost effective iot project using Arduino, AVR and rasperry pi ideas always.
“The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.”
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new predominant technology for this advanced world. This technology can change the lifestyle people lead. Question is what the Internet of Things is? IoT can be described as a network of physical objects connected through the internet. Physical objects could be anything that contains embedded electronics, software, sensor, etc. with the internet. Using the IP addresses, those smart objects can exchange data among the network and can make a decision. A significant number of researches is going on over the IoT trends and projects. In this article, we will talk about a few IoT project ideas based on standard IoT protocols, so that readers get the basic knowledge about the Internet of Things. These internet of things example are keen, useful, and interesting to build.
IoT is trending and it has created a lot of buzz in the industry. Most of the companies have already started to implement this technology in their business processes. Due to this, there are a plethora of employment opportunities in the near future.
Engineers who possess skills in IoT have an upper hand in grabbing these opportunities. To develop skills in IoT, all you need to do is build projects hands-on. By building projects, you not only gain practical skills but also learn the concepts of it, this is extremely important because industries today need problem solvers not just text book experts.
The IoT based smart energy meter is based on Arduino. In this system we reduce the human participation in electrical energy maintenance. The theft of the electricity increases the costs paid by customer. Hence this system is used for the detection of theft. The Arduino checks the main meter and sub meter reading. If the difference between the main meter and sub meter is occurred then that theft has occurred message will be display on the LCD display and also display on the thingspeak. Customer can be access the thingspeak from anyplace. By using the consumer number it can be access on the globe at the anytime.
The rapid rise of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The high demand of automobiles has also increased the trac hazards and road accidents. Life of the people is under high risk. The delay in reaching of the ambulance to the accident location and the trac congestion in between accident location and hospital increases the chances of death of the victim. To overcome this problem our automatic ambulance rescue system comes to the rescue. This proposed IOT based accident detection system helps to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and also reduces the time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital. To detect the accident there is accelerometer sensor present in this rescue system and the GSM module included sends messages about the location to the respective guardian and rescue team. With the help of accelerometer sensor signal, a severe accident due to an obstacle can be recognized. Microcontroller used, sends the alert message through the GSM module including the location to guardian or a rescue team. So, the emergency help team can immediately trace the location through the GPS module, after receiving the accident location information, action can be taken immediately. This accelerometer based accident detection system is powered by Atmega 328 microcontroller it consists of display, accelerometer sensor, GSM module and alarm. This automatic ambulance rescue system project is useful in detecting the accident.
Heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure are very critical parameters of human body. Doctors use various kinds of medical apparatus for measurement of these parameters like thermometer for checking body temperature, BP monitor for blood pressure measurement and heart rate monitor for heart rate measurement. In this paper, we have proposed ECG MONITORING SYSTEM based on IoT (Internet Of Things). This system calculates heart rate of patient and sends the value of heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) to a database on cloud. Using this system doctors at hospital can analyse the critical parameters sent by this system. Doctors can also analyse the real time health related parameters of a patients which are not admitted in hospital. This system can be integrated in ambulance wherein all the critical health related parameters of patients can be acquired and sent to the cloud. All these critical parameters can be analysed by a doctor in advance while the patient is still in ambulance. The main objective of this system is to acquire the physiological parameter using sensors and uploading these parameters to cloud. We have integrated ECG sensor in this system.
This paper discusses “internet of thing (I.O.T) base controlling & monitoring of circuit breaker”. Circuit breakers have a very important role in generation and transmission of electricity and represent a vital of the power system. Reliable operation and monitoring the high voltage circuit breakers represent an important challenge when this activity must be acquired online. This paper presents the architecture of an online monitoring and diagnosis System of electrical equipment which has the role to acquire, to transfer and to process information about the monitored equipment. An interface is designed on top of which different local and system applications can be recorded by the system. The Microcontroller near the circuit breaker section will continuously transmit all the parameters of the circuit breaker to control room and it will be displayed on screen of computer. as well as after C.B trip it gives signal also to GSM module so that due to GSM the texting message can received with fault description only in registered number. After receiving text message the operator or any authorized person give command for set or resetting the breaker. So that we minimize the fault clearing time and Improve maintenance method in circuit breaker increases life time and reliability of the circuit breaker
In recent times the concept of smart cities have gained grate popularity. Thanks to the evolution of Internet of things the idea of smart city now seems to be achievable. Consistent efforts are being made in the field of IoT in order to maximize the productivity and reliability of urban infrastructure. Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking facilities and road safety are being addressed by IoT. In this paper, we present an IoT based cloud integrated smart parking system. The proposed Smart Parking system consists of an on-site deployment of an IoT module that is used to monitor and signalize the state of availability of each single parking space. A mobile application is also provided that allows an end user to check the availability of parking space and book a parking slot accordingly. The paper also describes a high-level view of the system architecture. Towards the end, the paper discusses the working of the system in form of a use case that proves the correctness of the proposed model.
We know that, the automated Motion Sensor system and the Temperature control systems are getting more valuable in today’s life style. This is more easy and comfortable for user to ensure security of private or corporate area. It is also very cost efficient. Now a days security reason is a burning question. There are various types of home security systems are available. But we wanted to design a automated security system with digital interface. So we have taken Microcontroller base fully automated and digital equipment. It can be used
attached with thousands of security systems. The application is more than its building cost and the operating cost and minimum operational error rate is very interesting.
Today, the growth of technology is rapid and provides all necessary and effective solutions for the requirements. One of the most important areas of concern is security. In this scenario, IOT Asset tracking system is developed to increase the safety of women, children, people with mental disorder and any valuable items through the technology of Radio Frequency along with IOT. Radio Frequency module consists of transmitter and receiver. The transmitter is placed with the object to be tracked which sends radio waves to the receiver. If the object being tracked moves out of frequency range, an alert message and call will be sent to specified guardians through Global System for Mobile communication. Further the location of the object can be tracked whenever required through Global Positioning System. In addition, sound and vibration sensors are used to sense human behavior like loud voice and movement of human body. If the sensor reading exceeds threshold value, messages are sent to specified mobile numbers. The frequency range between transmitter and receiver and location of assets are displayed in Thing Speak which is an open source IOT platform.
Biometric student attendance system increases the efficiency of the process of taking student attendance. This paper presents a simple and portable approach to student attendance in the form of an Internet of Things (IOT) based system that records the attendance using fingerprint based biometric scanner and stores them securely over cloud. This system aims to automate the cumbersome process of manually taking and storing student attendance records. It will also prevent proxy attendance, thus increasing the reliability of attendance records. The records are securely stored and can be reliably retrieved whenever required by the teacher.
The microcontroller on encountering high alcohol signal from the alcohol sensor displays alcohol detection note on LCD screen and also stops the dc motor to demonstrate as engine locking. The system needs a push button to start the engine. If alcohol is detected at the time of starting the engine the engine does not start at all. If alcohol is detected after engine starting, the system locks the engine at that time. This Project presents an innovative way of protecting automobiles from drunken drivers for safeguarding them by using IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS). The system permits an alert to the owner on his mobile phone or mail as a short message (SMS) at his request.
With an increase in population, there is an increase in the number of accidents that happen every minute. These road accidents are unpredictable. There are situations where most of the accidents could not be reported properly to nearby ambulances on time. In most of the cases, there is the unavailability of emergency services which lack in providing the first aid and timely service which can lead to loss of life by some minutes. Hence, there is a need to develop a system that caters to all these problems and can effectively function to overcome the delay time caused by the medical vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a framework using IoT, which helps in detecting car accidents and notifying them immediately. This can be achieved by integrating smart sensors with a microcontroller within the car that can trigger at the time of an accident. The other modules like GPS and GSM are integrated with the system to obtain the location coordinates of the accidents and sending it to registered numbers and nearby ambulance to notify them about the accident to obtain immediate help at the location.
Because of expanding work cost, medical institutions would constrain to decrease nursing staff for patients. Our project aims to develop new innovation for the use of basic nursing care. In this project, we introduce a secure IOT Based paralyzed patient health care monitoring and facilitation system. It helps us to take care of patient health care without nurse.
The main aim of the project is to process the real time data acquisition under security control and monitor for secured area gate control. In industries/ secured areas many times gate open close processes goes on, therefore it is essential to monitor all the processes and control the factors affecting them. Adapting a technology like IOT (Internet of things) one can achieve the above-mentioned objective effectively, and thus record and control is clear than manpower. The device consists of Arduino, WI-FI module, motor driver, keypad. This system monitors the gate open/ close and informs about the gate condition via adafruit io server. Thus, this system helps to keep the security maintain by informing about the gate condition thing speak server. There has been a need of controlling Electronic doors remotely for automation and security purposes. This project tries to fulfil the same using the IoT technology implementation over the electronic door lock making it a super advanced door opener cum locking system. The objective of achieving automation and security is simultaneously achieved using web connectivity of the project with IoT Gecko website. IOT Based Electronic Door Opener Project is controlled by AT mega family microcontroller
Monitoring various parameters of the patient using internet of things. In the patient monitoring system based on Internet of things project, the real-time parameters of patient’s health are sent to cloud using Internet connectivity. These parameters are sent to a remote Internet location so that user can view these details from anywhere in the world. There is a major difference between SMS based patient health monitoring and IOT based patient monitoring system. In IOT based system, details of the patient health can be seen by many users. The reason behind this is that the data needs to be monitored by visiting a website or URL. This is one of the Latest Electronics Project Ideas related to Medical applications. One more benefit of using IOT is that, this data can be seen using a desktop computer, laptop, using an Android smart phone comma using a tab or Tablet. The user just needs a working Internet connection to view this data. There are various cloud service providers which can be used to view this data over Internet.
As it was stated earlier, it is seen in a number of cities that the street light is one of the huge expenses in a city. The cost spent is huge that all the sodium vapor lamps consume more power. The expense spent on the street light can be used for other development of the nation. Currently a manual system is used where the light will be made to switched ON/OFF i.e. the light will be made to switch ON in the evening and switched OFF in the morning. Hence there is a lot of wastage of energy between the ON/OFF. This is one of the major causes of shifting to the automatic system, since there is less wastage of power and thus saving a lot of monetary expenses. Apart from this, the other disadvantages of the existing system are described below.
Road accidents have been very common in the present world with the prime cause being the careless driving. The necessity to check this has been very essential and different methods have been used so far. However with the advancement in the technology, different governing bodies are demanding some sort of computerized technology to control this problem of over speed driving. At this scenario, we are proposing a system to detect the vehicle which are being driven above the given maximum speed limit that the respective roads or highway limits. The overall project is divided in three categories; speed detection, image acquisition and transfer and image processing. Speed detecting device works on the principle of Doppler Effect using microwave Doppler radar sensor. The speed is compared with the preset threshold and camera is triggered if the speed limit exceeds. Acquisition and transfer of image is done by a HD camera interfaced with raspberry pi. Raspberry pi is connected to the server via internet. The server runs an Image processing program which isolates the license plate from picture frame. The characters in the number plate is digitized and sent to the authority residing in the next station where the vehicle is heading.
Interconnection of number of devices through internet describes the Internet of things (IoT). Every object is connected with each other through unique identifier so that data can be transferred without human to human interaction. It allows establishing solutions for better management of natural resources. The smart objects embedded with sensors enables interaction with the physical and logical worlds according to the concept of IoT. In this paper proposed system is based on IoT that uses real time input data. Smart farm irrigation system uses android phone for remote monitoring and controlling of drips through wireless sensor network. Zigbee is used for communication between sensor nodes and base station. Real time sensed data handling and demonstration on the server is accomplished using web based java graphical user interface. Wireless monitoring of field irrigation system reduces human intervention and allows remote monitoring and controlling on android phone. Cloud Computing is an attractive solution to the large amount of data generated by the wireless sensor network. This paper proposes and evaluates a cloud-based wireless communication system to monitor and control a set of sensors and actuators to assess the plants water need.
This project IOT Liquid Level observance system could be a very innovative system that will inform the users regarding the amount of liquid and can stop it from overflowing. To demonstrate this system makes use of four containers. For this, the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the containers to observe the liquid level and compare it with the container’s depth. The system makes use of AVR family microcontroller, LCD screen, wireless local area network electronic equipment for causing knowledge and a buzzer. The system is steam-powered by a 12V electrical device. The liquid crystal display LCD digital display alphanumeric display screen is employed to display the standing of the amount of liquid within the containers. Whereas an online page is made to indicate the standing to the user observance it. The net page provides a graphical read of the containers and highlights the liquid level in color order to indicate the amount of the liquid. The liquid crystal display screen shows the standing of the liquid level. The system puts on the buzzer once the amount of liquid collected crosses the set limit. So this method helps to stop the wastage of water by informing regarding the liquid levels of the containers by providing a graphical image of the containers via an internet page.
Keeping an in depth tab of recent folks or folks on chair with bound health conditions for his or her health and safety is a very important task. With maturity, weak bones and weakness because of alternative health connected problems could lead to will increase risk of falling. A supervisor might not continually be on the market with them and if correct assistance is not provided at the correct time it should cause larger health considerations which will need extra resources for treatment. For this purpose we’ve projected a wise IOT Fall Detection System exploitation acceptable sensors that square measure integrated facilitate to assist} report these incidents to assist avail help at the correct time to forestall additional injury to health. The same system uses sensors like associate degree measuring system to live the speed of the person, a rotating mechanism to live the person’s orientation so as to live their stability, a load sensing element once the system is employed by an individual employing a chair to live their weight, a Wi-Fi module and a microcontroller that sends the general readings to alert the involved those that shall give with the right suggests that to assist the person in want. The microcontroller receives all the info from the sensors and perpetually transmits and monitors the acceleration and also the orientation of the person. Any fast abrupt modification within the system which will result from a fall is taken into account as a ‘fall’ and is reported . a serious concern would be that not all fast movement may end up from a fall and be thought of as a matter of concern. To avoid this warning a nap button is provided to snooze the system. This button will be ironed before a definite time say 15-30 seconds to prevent the system from causation the alert, thus avoiding any confusion and panic. this method will be mounted to the person’s chair or will be created compact to be created into a wearable device which will be worn on the hand.
Managing multiple toll booths is a very complicated task. We here propose a smart card based toll booth system that is monitored over IOT. The Internet server maintains all the data of user accounts and also their balance. All vehicle owners would possess an RFID based card that stores their account number. Our system at toll booths will monitor the cards scanned when a car arrives at the toll booth. The system now connects to the online server to check if the card is valid and if valid what is the balance. If user balance is sufficient, the user balance is deducted online and web system sends signal back to the card scanner system that the user has been billed. On receiving this signal the system operates a motor to open the toll gate for that car. The system is controlled by a microcontroller to achieve this purpose. The microcontroller uses Wi-Fi connection to connect to the internet through which system interacts with web server to perform the online verification process. Also system allows to store data of all the vehicles passed at particular time intervals for later reference and surveillance. This system thus automates the entire toll booth collection and monitoring process with ease using RFID plus IOT based system.
T In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic with no designated cure or vaccine, the only way to break the infection chain is self-isolation and maintaining the physical distancing. In this article, we present a potential application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare and physical distance monitoring for pandemic situations. The proposed framework consists of three parts: a lightweight and lowcost IoT node, a smartphone application (app), and fog-based Machine Learning (ML) tools for data analysis and diagnosis. The IoT node tracks health parameters, including body temperature, cough rate, respiratory rate, and blood oxygen saturation, then updates the smartphone app to display the user health conditions. The app notifies the user to maintain a physical distance of 2 m (or 6 ft), which is a key factor in controlling virus spread. In addition, a Fuzzy Mamdani system (running at the fog server) considers the environmental risk and user health conditions to predict the risk of spreading infection in real time. The environmental risk conveys from the virtual zone concept and provides updated information for different places. Two scenarios are considered for the communication between the IoT node and fog server, 4G/5G/WiFi, or LoRa, which can be selected based on environmental constraints. The required energy usage and bandwidth (BW) are compared for various event scenarios. The COVID-SAFE framework can assist in minimizing the coronavirus exposure risk.
In developing countries, manholes are not monitored properly. These unsupervised manholes can prove themselves to be a threat to lives in various ways. This paper presents an intelligent automatic manhole monitoring system which detects harmful chemicals and toxic gases inside the manhole, absence of the lid of the manhole and generates an alarm to the passers-by in that situation, alerts the authority about the system state. The system can improve overall quality of the surroundings. Hence, the concerned authorities can take proper measures to maintain the manhole. The system has been implemented in an academic environment to carry out the automated monitoring of a manhole to evaluate the proposed features.
The prison system in India, as known to everyone, is the not as good as we see in the films. It is quite shocking to know that in a digitally modern country like India, the prison system is quite orthodox. So in such an orthodox system the jail breaks are very common and most usual thing to happen. There is no such count but prison escapes keep happen, either at large scale or in smaller scale. A thought of these inmates still roaming around within us is itself very scary. The changes required in the today’s prison system is that, that the system should be a bit digitalized rather than using human force to guard the inmates. The digital system to be used can be made reliable that it can’t be under cyber-attack. There are some more aspects that can be used to make this system more reliable against cyber-attack.
This article proposes and analyze a system which is used for energy meter billing and monitoring. The system is fully Internet of Things (IOT) based and highly desirable in field of energy. In this system consumer can do power management by knowing energy usage time to time. The customer needs to pay the bill on schedule, if couldn’t, the electric power connectivity can be turned off autonomously from the distant host. The article explains the modelling and working of different units of the system and also discussed the basic components and their functions such that IOT and its working, microcontroller(ARM7-LPC2138) and its architecture, USB to TTL Converter and its features, GSM system, Relay and LCD display and its interfacing with microcontroller.
IOT Garbage Monitoring with Weight Sensing paper is an innovative step towards making this process more smooth and efficient. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page.
In the world of Innovative and automotive world everything is getting computerized. Each data is in effect effortlessly available. Yet, the movement signals checking is as yet done physically. The activity signals are observed physically from the control room by the executives or a predictable time is settled for signals evolving. Rather than this a computerized controller-based activity checking framework will be useful for controlling the movement. This plan of movement foundation will be useful in decreasing the activity clog issue in urban communities. This paper depicts a framework where IR sensors are incorporated with an Arduino to work the paths which measure the movement thickness. This incorporated arrangement of movement is Internet of Things (IoT) based which likewise empowers to clear the activity for emergency vehicle by giving a catch in rescue vehicle so the activity gets cleared on that side. It additionally empowers the vehicles tally that move over the sensors. Subsequently, movement controlling gets upgraded effectively, which in the end prompts huge change in rush hour gridlock framework.
This idea proposes and analyse a system which is used for air and sound pollution monitoring. The system is fully Internet of Things (IOT) based and highly desirable in field of pollution control. In this system we can detect the level of pollution (Air or Sound) time by time. The article explains the different units such as hardware and software used in the proposed system and also explains the modelling and working of the basic components used in the proposed system such that IOT and its working, Microcontroller(Arduino Uno R3) and its architecture, Gas sensor and its features, Sound sensors and its specifications and ESP8266 Wi-Fi Model.
Health monitoring is the major problem in today’s world. Due to lack of proper health monitoring, patient suffer from serious health issues. There are lots of IoT devices now days to monitor the health of patient over internet. Health experts are also taking advantage of these smart devices to keep an eye on their patients. With tons of new healthcare technology start-ups, IoT is rapidly revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Here in this project, we will make an IoT based Health Monitoring System which records the patient heart beat rate and body temperature and also send an email/SMS alert whenever those readings goes beyond critical values. Pulse rate and body temperature readings are recorded over Thing Speak and Google sheets so that patient health can be monitored from anywhere in the world over internet. A panic will also be attached so that patient can press it on emergency to send email/sms to their relatives.
The amount of waste has been increasing due to the increase in human population and urbanization. In cities, the overflowed bin creates an unhygienic environment. Thus degrades the environment, to overcome this situation “Automatic Waste Segregator” is developed to reduce to work for the ragpickers the wastes are segregated by the human beings which leads to health problems to the workers. The proposed system separates the waste into three categories namely wet, dry and metallic waste. This developed system is not only cost efficient also makes the waste management productive one. Each of the wastes are detected by the respective sensors and gets segregated inside the bins which is assigned to them the details of amount of waste disposal is updated in the server regularly.
Nowadays numerous persons are mislaying their life owing to heart attack and shortage of medical attention to patient at correct stage. Hence, in this project we are implementing heart rate monitoring and heart attack recognition system using IoT. The patient will carry hardware having sensors with android application. The heartbeat sensor will allow checking heart beat readings and transmit them over the internet. The user may set the high and low level of heartbeat limits. Once these limits are set the system can start monitoring the patient’s heartbeat and as soon as the heart beat readings goes above or below the limit set by the user the system will send an alert about high or low heartbeat as well about chances of heart attack.
Managing multiple toll booths is a very complicated task. The system here is a smart card based toll booth system that is monitored using IoT. The Internet server maintains all the data of user accounts and also their balance. All vehicle owners would possess an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) based card that stores their RFID number. The system at toll booths will monitor the cards scanned when a car arrives at the toll booth. The system then connects to the online server to check if the card is valid and if valid what is the balance. If user balance is sufficient, the toll amount is deducted online and web system sends signal back to the card scanner system that the user has been billed. On receiving this signal the system operates a motor to open the toll gate for that car. The system is controlled by a microcontroller to achieve this purpose. The microcontroller uses Wi-Fi connection to connect to the internet through which system interacts with web server to perform the online verification process. Also system allows to store data of all the vehicles passed at particular time intervals for later reference and surveillance. This system thus automates the entire toll booth billing and monitoring process with ease using RFID plus IoT based system.
Mining is one of the most dangerous trades all over the world. In some countries, underground miners lack safety, social guarantees and in case of injury may be left to cope without assistance. There are negative social impacts as well, such as displacement and lost livelihoods. The mining industry has the highest incidence of occupational deaths among all industries. Common causes of occupational deaths include rock falls, fires, explosions, methane intoxication, and electrocution. There are many case studies behind underground mines, a recent case study in china reveal that underground mining in China is the world’s deadliest industry. To overcome all these disasters, we have developed a better communication technology which has to be employed for an intelligent sensing and warning system. For this, RF technology is chosen for the communication inside the mines. Safety is the most vital part of any type of industry. In the mining industry safety and security is a fundamental aspect of all. To avoid any types of accidents mining industry follows some basic precautions.
We come across hospitals and NGO’s serving disabled people. Now these people are not capable of full body movement as compared to a normal person. In such a situation we propose a system that helps disabled person display a message by just simple motion of any part of his body. Our proposed system works by reading the tilt direction of the user part. This device needs to be mounted on user finger of hand. The user now just needs to tilt the device in a particular angle to convey a message. Tilting the device in different directions conveys a different message.
This paper presents a smart surveillance robot for military application by using Raspberry Pi for security purpose. An field Raspberr pi sends a wireless command which is received by Authorized person on web Page and accordingly robot moves. The Video Streaming is done using Raspberry pi camera.
The conventional farming approaches have been found unable to deliver an appropriate quantity of fertilizer. Similarly, no explicit measure can be established to regulate the climate parameters. In this study, we have developed a prototype comprising a sensor network (SN) based node, Raspberry Pi based embedded system (ES) that is active to monitor the climatic parameters with air temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, air carbon dioxide, and light intensity within a greenhouse environment. Raspberry Pi based ES is integrated with internet-of-things (IoT) analytics, termed as Thing Speak, and sensor nodes are physically placed in a greenhouse environment to record climate parameter data being forwarded to the gateway
Nowadays with the increasing amount of waste generated and limited landfill space for waste disposal, recycling is one of the important approaches to manage the waste effectively. The current manual recycling practice in which the user need to bring the waste in bulk to the recycling centre might be hassle and hence become a discouraging factor for them to recycle. To overcome such an issue, in this project an automated recycle bin with a reward feature is proposed that derived from a reverse vending machine (RVM) concept. Basically, the system is implemented in a standard recycle bin provided by local municipal that equipped with microcontroller and collection of sensors. Throughout the process, the sensors responsible to identifying user information, weight the scale and eventually convert the weight to the corresponding points automatically. Once the process completed, the user can claim their points by using RFID point card. All the mentioned process will be controlled by a microcontroller. The system has been implemented in a small scale user testing and the framework shows its effectiveness for handling the whole process. The prototype is expected to aid in accelerating the motivation among Malaysian to recycle their waste, and can be one of the frameworks to overcome urban poverty issue by using waste to wealth concept.
To secure and guard our house in our absence, we propose the IOT based Anti-theft detection and alert System using Raspberry Pi. This system monitors the entire floor for movement. One single step anywhere on the floor is tracked and user is alarmed through mail over IOT. In this system, secure flooring tile connected with IOT, when the system is to be turned on, then whoever comes inside the house it passes the information over IOT. Whenever the thief enters in the house, and steps on the floor immediately it is sensed by the sensor which passes on the signal to raspberry pi controller. The controller in turn processes it to be valid signal and then moves the camera to the area where movement was detected and then transmits it over the Internet for the home owner to check the image.
This Raspberry Pi module is used to decide whether input is hot water or cold water. This module is programmed in such way that water will stop after 10 seconds. This will save the water and also limit the flow of water. This system is automated by voice command and easy to handle.
Flooding is one of the major disasters occurring in various parts of the world. The model is very much useful to monitor the water level variations in rivers, dams, reservoirs and the monitored values regularly stored in the web server which is useful to send flood alerts to corresponding authority for proper action and the same can be viewed through the web. This research investigates the use of wireless sensor network (WSN) for monitoring of river and flood conditions. The wireless sensor network system can also be used for real-time monitoring of water conditions like water flow level and precipitation levels. The model was developed and engaged in monitoring flood
This paper presents the automatic document reader for visually impaired people, developed on Raspberry Pi. It uses the Optical character recognition technology for the identification of the printed characters using image sensing devices and computer programming. It converts images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine encoded text. In this research these images are converted into the audio output (Speech) through the use of OCR and Text-to-speech synthesis. The conversion of printed document into text files is done using Raspberry Pi which again uses Tesseract library and Python programming. The text files are processed by OpenCV library & python programming language and audio output is achieved.
With the combination of sensors such as pulse rate sensor, temperature sensor, accelerometer, and respiration sensor, a Raspberry Pi can be transformed into a mini-clinic. These systems are being used in many parts of the world . Microcontroller units (MCU) are being used as the main controller of the systems but they do not support parallel data handling.
Using the Wi-Fi or IR modules might overcome the range limitation. proposed an IoT based patient monitoring system. Raspberry Pi is the main logic unit of the system.
The system detects abnormalities in the heart. The respiration rate was monitored by using a respirator and accelerometer . The system used various gas sensors to provide the health monitoring facility.
Since the corona outbreak, it has become very difficult to identify those who are affected by the virus or not. To solve this issue, temperature devices are often used to measure body temperature. These devices have non-contact IR temperature sensors which can measure the body temperature without any physical contact.
There are many temperature guns available in the market, but none of them gives any alert or email notification to higher authorities to take appropriate actions when the temperature exceeds a particular limit. In this project, we will interface an IR temperature sensor and send the email alerts with the image of the person if the temperature of any particular person exceeds the set value.
In today’s world, the Internet of Things is revolutionizing our life by developing a number of systems which can be monitored and controlled remotely. In this project, we will leverage the power of IoT and we will build a Temperature Monitoring device with Email alerts using Raspberry Pi, MLX90614, and PiCamera.
The camera is connected to the Raspberry Pi in any way like by using USB camera with Raspberry Pi, using Pi camera or by using IP camera to use Android mobile for camera. This Raspberry Pi fun project capture the image automatically when it detects the Smile in our face, so it is called as Raspberry Pi selfie camera.
Voice Based Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi is the project which will be very useful for old age people and disabled people, basically for one’s who cannot perform basic activities efficiently. It is the idea which corresponds to the new era of automation and technology. The main aim of the home automation system is to make life easier. Mobile devices are very common among everyone due to its user friendly interface and portability features. In this project we aim to control electrical home appliances by android voice commands using Wi-Fi as communication protocol between Raspberry Pi and Android device. Raspberry Pi 3 becomes a better option for home automation via internet due to its feature of inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
According to the survey most of the accident are occurred because of the dunk and drive cases, in order to put a full stop a system using raspberry pi with alcohol detection sensor and ignition which is presented with the help of the DC Motor is implemented using Network communication which will automatically stop the ignition if the alcohol is detected and also will inform to the care taker with the help of the network using a web page which can be accessed from Wide Area Network (WAN). In this proposed system, automatic alcohol detection system which is also connected to the server from where the status of the person will be known at the same time if the alcohol is detected automatically the ignition will be off.
This paper proposes the Smart Surveillance System using Raspberry Pi and Image Processing. This system will serve as smart security module for monitoring. Traditional surveillance systems only records the activities based on motion, but this system serves the purpose of facial recognition so as to reduce the error caused due to motion detection .Raspberry Pi camera module is used to capture images once the motion is detected by the PIR Sensor. This system will monitor when motion detected and checks for the faces in the image captured and with the help of face recognition alerts if the face detected is not stored in the database.
We here propose a fully automated temperature scanner and entry provider system. It is a multipurpose system that has a wide range of applications. The system makes use of a contactless temperature scanner and a mask monitor. The scanner is connected directly with a human barrier to bar entry if high temperature or no mask is detected.
Any person will not be provided entry without temperature and mask scan. Only person having both conditions is instantly allowed inside. The system uses temperature sensor and camera connected with a raspberry pi system to control the entire operation.
The camera is used to scan for mask and temperature sensor for forehead temperature. The raspberry processes the sensor inputs and decides weather the person is to be allowed.
Spiritual intelligence is the science of human energy management that clarifies and in the era of COVID-19 in which everywhere there is a panic like situation and according to the World Health Organization Social Distancing will be proven to be the only solution. In this research paper, an innovative localization method was proposing to track humans’ position in an outdoor environment based on sensors is proposed. With the help of artificial intelligence, this novel smart device is handy for maintaining a social distancing as well as detecting COVID 19 symptom patients and thereby safety. In these COVID-19 environments, where everyone is conscious about their safety, we came up with the idea of this novel device. Most of the time, people on the roadside watched their front but were not able to look after what is going on behind them. The device will give alert to the person if someone in the critical range of six feet around him. The method is reasonably accurate and can be very useful in maintaining social distancing. The sensor model used is described, and the expected errors in distance estimates are analysed and modelled. Finally, the experimental results are presented.
At present time, drowsy driving has become one of the major issues of the traffic collision. According to statistics, a large number of road accidents occur due to drowsy driving which results in severe injuries and deaths. For this reason, various studies were done in designing systems that can examine the driver fatigue and alert him beforehand, thus preventing him to fall asleep behind the wheel and cause an accident. Some traditional approaches used vehicle-based measures to design their system, however, such measurements are highly influenced by the structure of the road, type of vehicle and the driving skill. Other approaches used psychological measures for their system that tend to provide better accuracy in monitoring the drowsiness of the driver. However, such techniques are usually intrusive as electrodes are required to be placed on the head and body. Furthermore, there are few existing researches in which subjective measurements are used as the input for the system, but, such methods can distract the driver and lead to an ambiguous result. In this paper, we proposed a system that is absolutely non-intrusive and real-time. Our proposed system used the eye closure ratio as input parameter to detect the drowsiness of the driver. If the eye closure ratio deteriorates from the standard ratio, the driver is alerted with the help of a buzzer. For our system, a Pi camera is used to capture the images of the driver’s eye and the entire system is incorporated using Raspberry-Pi.
Our paper deals with a security system that lets the user to see a visitor while main office door is locked. If the user is in the middle of the meeting in a conference room and having a visitor at the door, this system will send a notification to mobile or PC to unlock the front door using a Web browser. If the door bell has intercom facility, the user can talk to the visitor when the bell rings. We have used Raspberry Pi to implement our paper the smart lock system.
Face Recognition technology has improved drastically in the past decade and now it is primarily used for surveillance and security purpose. In today’s tutorial, we will learn how to build the Face Recognition Door Lock System using Raspberry Pi. This project consists of three phases:
Raspberry Pi and Solenoid Lock are connected through the relay module. Solenoid lock requires 9 to 12V, and Raspberry pi can provide only 5V. Due to this, a 12V adapter is used to power the Solenoid Lock. VCC and GND pin of the relay module is connected to 5V and GND of Raspberry Pi. The input pin of the relay is connected to GPIO23 of Raspberry Pi.
The positive pin of Solenoid lock is connected to the positive rail of the 12V adapter, while the negative pin of Solenoid Lock is connected to COM of Relay. Connect the NO pin of the relay to Negative of 12V adapter.
Weather is the day-to-day state of atmosphere that is hard to predict which affects the activities of mankind and has great significance in many different domains. However, the current weather station in the market is expensive and bulky which cause inconvenience. The aim of this project is to design a weather station with real time notifications for climatology monitoring, interface it to a cloud platform and analyse weather parameters. In this project, a weather station is assembled using Spark Fun Weather Shield and Weather Meter and Arduino Uno R3 to collect weather parameters. Data collected from the sensors are then stored into Google Cloud SQL using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B which acts as a gateway between them and analysis of weather data are done. A website and mobile application are developed using Google Data Studio and Android Studio respectively to display the real-time weather conditions in graphical presentation which are accessible by administrator and users. Users will receive notification regarding the weather conditions at that particular place on social media platform regularly and irregularly. Weather prediction is done in short term which allows users to get themselves prepared for their future plan in the next thirty minutes.
Now-a-days, in many cities/towns, we see that the garbage bins are filled with lot of waste which won’t take care by municipal people due to lack of information about it. In this paper, we present a solution for garbage monitoring system using Raspberry Pi and Ultrasonic sensor. A central system made up of Raspberry pi which monitors the garbage bins frequently and collects information about the amount of waste present in the garbage bins with help of ultrasonic sensor placed over it. The collected data will be updated to the municipal officer or to a user who is accessing it via an application in the form of GUI. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins in a web page or an application. Based on the information collected, the bins which have waste above some prescribed level will be cleaned up. This solution helps us to keep our city clean as well as to reduce traffic that occurs due to unnecessary travelling of municipal vehicles in the city/town.
In recent day scenario, the incessant increase in air and sound pollution prove to be an alarming problem. It has become mandatory to control and appropriately monitor the situation so that the required steps to curb the situation can be undertaken. In this project, an IOT-based method to monitor the Air Quality Index and the Noise Intensity of a region, have been proposed. The recommended technology comprises of four modules namely, the Air Quality Index Monitoring Module, the Sound Intensity Detection Module, the Cloud-based Monitoring Module and the Anomaly Notification Module. Firstly, the Air Quality Index is measured considering the presence of the five criteria air pollutants. Then the sound intensity is detected using respective sensor. After that, the Cloud-based Monitoring Module ensures the process of acquiring the data with the help of Wi-fi-module present in Raspberry Pi which fulfils the objective of analysis of information on a periodical basis. Finally, the Anomaly Notification Module alerts the user in case of an undesired condition.
Colour based product sorting has a wide usage in fruits sorting as well as candy sorting industries. Now a day’s industrial area requires demand for automation. Due to automation human efforts are goes on decreasing day-by day. Since last decade .This system puts forward mechanism to detect colour and sort item through image processing. This mechanism is used to sort the candies into particular bins or baskets. Here, we are designing and implementing and efficient colour sorting using colour sensor TCS 3200, Arduino nano and servo motors.
The project is mainly concentrated on IOT based home automation using raspberry PI wireless home automation system using IOT helps us to control basic home appliances automatically through internet from anywhere around the world by using computers or mobiles. Now coming to this project the main objective is presenting a proposed system for smart home automation technique with Raspberry Pi using IOT and it is done by integrating cameras and motion sensors into a web application. To design this system, we are using a Raspberry Pi module with computer vision techniques.
We here propose a system that uses raspberry pi along with passive IR sensors, motors and lights to demonstrate an automated door opening and lighting control system. Proposed system allows for automated door opening using human detection with lighting control using raspberry pi. System detects human presence and then opens door automatically depending on the human sensing input detected. Also the system keeps track of lighting conditions in the room and depending on the lighting needed system switches lights to get desired illumination. Also system tries to detect number of humans present in room and then operates the lighting accordingly. All sensor data including pir as well as light illumination data is constantly transferred to the pi processor for processing which takes necessary actions as and when needed.
Internet of things (IoT) is the network of entities that consists of electronics, programmable software, sensors, and communication facility that enables these entities to gather and transfer data. The objective of the proposed system is to alert the remote user while the fire accidents occur. This system can be installed at any remote premise which has threat of fire accidents. Using this system we can detect the fire by camera. So sensors are not required to detect fire. The Raspberry Pi controller processes the camera input and detects fire using heat signatures. By using image processing method, the report is automatically generated and sends to the person immediately after the fire is detected in any part of the frame using Wi-Fi/GSM. On detecting fire, the system will go into emergency mode. The major advantages in this method are: sending the information to the person at any time, any place and remote monitoring for immediate actions.
Coma is a state of unconsciousness where the patient fails to respond. These patients need utmost care and 24*7 observations. This paper presents a continuous monitoring and recording of patient data without human intervention. If there is any sudden changes occur in the normal range of body parameters such as body temp falls or rise, blood pressure (B. P.) increases or decreases causing high or low B.P. where both are not stable conditions for better health, then it has facility to automatically alert the medical person. The movement sensor detects the patient movement and also generates an alert message to the medical person. As comatose losses their sensation for urination, medical person needs to continuously monitor urine output, thus we are using ultrasonic sensor to check on urine level. Medical person can keep the track of patient using login to the system. The software IoT API we are using isThingSpeak.
This paper proposes an advanced system for process management via a credit card sized single board computer called raspberry pi based multi parameter monitoring hardware system designed using RS232 and microcontroller that measures and controls various global parameters. The system comprises of a single master and multiple slaves with wireless mode of communication and a raspberry pi system that can either operate on windows or Linux operating system. The main aim of the project is to capture the wildlife using ultrasonic sensor and raspberry pi microcontroller. Getting wildlife footage is a difficult task. Cameramen need to wait for hours or even days without moving to get desired footage. Here we propose an automated system with a uv activated recording camera that starts captures only when animal is detected. This has a lot of advantages.
Industrial automation has become very much popular these days because of its various advantages. This is achieved by using local networking standards and remotely controlling and monitoring industrial device parameters by using Raspberry Pi and Embedded web server Technology. Raspberry Pi module consists of ARM11 processor and Real Time Operating system whereas embedded web server technology is the combination of embedded device and Internet technology. Using embedded web server along with raspberry pi it is possible to monitor and control industrial devices remotely by using local internet browser. Use of these both technology reduce complexity of devices and also reduces overall cost of the system.
This project use four sensors to detect the Temperature, Light, Humidity and Soil moisture in the Greenhouse. Temperature Sensor is used to detect the temperature inside the greenhouse. Reading from the sensor is sent to the microcontroller.
This system can be used to monitor and update weather conditions over the internet. The system monitors 3 parameters namely temperature, humidity and rainfall these values are then displayed on LCD and also updated over the IoT gecko. By readings, the user can get a fair idea of the weather of a particular area on the monitor. This system proves to be useful for knowing the weather of the localized area. The system is powered by Raspberry Pi it includes a raindrop sensor, a temperature sensor, LCD and a buzzer. After turning the system on, the system gets connected to the website by using WIFI. The system keeps track of 3 parameters like temperature, humidity, and rain. As the weather changes the system to monitor and updates the status over the IOT when the area is dry it shows zero value. When the system detects raindrop, it shows the value of the increase in rainfall. When the temperature increases the value gets updated. The user can observe the weather status of a particular area from any remote location.
The IOT Garbage Monitoring System is designed by ease the problems people or organisation face while managing their waste. The system allow the user to keep watch on the garbage bins by utilising buzzer and IoT service. The system has a buzzer on it which sets off an alarm on fulfillment of the garbage bin, other than this the user can also watch over the bins from anywhere using IoT service.
The Ultrasonic sensor works on the principle of SONAR and is designed to measure the distance using ultrasonic wave to determine the distance of an object from the sensor. The sensor helps the system to sense the level of garbage in the bins. The Raspberry Pi is equipped with WiFi connectivity, thus making it suitable to watch the system using IoT, from anywhere. As so the system works towards ease the garbage management.
Mining is indispensable to the creation of goods, infrastructure and services which enhance the quality of their lives. As a society we’re blessed to enjoy the many advantages that industry manufactured products provide us by processing these raw materials.
Working in the earth presents many different security and health dangers. Frequently the underground environment is shaky or unpleasant. The mines that are deeper, the more dangerous it could be to be running jobs. There’s oxygen leak that is restricted, and there are challenges related to leaving a mine if a crisis happen.
So here we propose a mining tracking as well as safety system for the mining industry using microcontroller based circuit on the worker helmet.
In recent day scenario, the non-stop increase in air and sound pollution prove to be an big alarming problem. It has become mandatory to control and appropriately monitor the situation so that the required steps to control the situation can be undertaken. In this project, an IOT-based method using RasberryPi is used to monitor and check live the Air Quality Index and the sound pollution of a region, have been proposed. The recommended technology comprises of two modules namely, the Air Quality Index Monitoring Module, the Sound Intensity Detection Module. Firstly, the Air Quality Index is measured considering the presence of the air pollutants. Then the sound intensity is detected using respective sensor. System uses air sensors to sense presence of harmful gases/compounds in the air and constantly transmit this data to microcontroller. Also system keeps measuring sound level and reports it to the online server over IOT. The sensors interact with microcontroller which processes this data and transmits it over internet.
Colour Based Object Sorting has a wide usage in fruit sorting as well as candy sorting industries. This system puts forward a mechanism to detect colour and sort items through image processing. Once identified a mechanism is used to sort the candies into particular bins baskets. We here demonstrate this mechanism using a camera with electronic circuitry along with sorting mechanism using 3 bins. The system uses raspberry pi connected to a controller circuit to achieve this task. The controller circuit consists of a camera attached to it that detects colour of a small object in front of it.
Car parking is a major issues in modern congested cities of today. There simply are too many vehicles on the road and not enough parking space. This has led to the need for efficient parking management systems. Thus we demonstrate the use of IOT based parking management system that allows for efficient parking space utilization using IOT technology. To demonstrate the concept we use IR sensors for sensing parking slot occupancy along with a dc motors to simulate as gate opener motors. We now use a wifi modem for internet connectivity and an AVR microcontroller for operating the system. The system detects if parking slots are occupied using IR sensors. Also it uses IR technology to sense if a vehicle has arrived on gate for automated gate opening. This allows users to check for available parking spaces online from anywhere and avail hassle free parking. Thus the system solves the parking issue for cities and get users an efficient IOT based parking management system.
Keeping the city clean has been always an ongoing task which needs laborious efforts of people working on ground level emptying the garbage bins whenever they are full. The event of garbage bin getting full is not strictly dependent on a time pattern, instead it sometimes becomes rapidly full or sometimes requires more than normal time to become full. IOT Garbage Monitoring with Weight Sensing project is an innovative step towards making this process more smooth and efficient.
This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth. In addition, we also have weight sensors attached below the garbage bins. Thus the system sends over the internet the level of fill of the garbage bins as well as the weight of the fill of the garbage bins.
Here we propose a smart fingerprint based biometric attendance system that works over IOT so that attendance can be monitored from anywhere in the world. Our system uses a microcontroller based circuit with fingerprint sensor, push buttons, power supply, power supply and wifi modem to interact with internet based system. We here use IOTGecko to develop the online attendance display system. Our system allows users/employees/students to first register their fingerprint on the system. After successful registration the print is stored in system with class assigned using push buttons. The system also displays these details over LCD display. Now as soon as the next time a registered user scans the modem, the system checks for authentication and authenticated users data is transferred online to IOTGecko using the gecko development API codes. Now the online system stores and displays the required data to users as per online login. Thus our system allows for remote monitoring of biometric based attendance from anywhere over IOT.
There has been a need of controlling Electronic doors remotely for automation and security purposes. This project tries to fulfill the same using the IoT technology implementation over the electronic door lock making it a super advanced door opener cum locking system. The objective of achieving automation and security is simultaneously achieved using web connectivity of the project with IoT Gecko website. IOT Based Electronic Door Opener Project is controlled by ATmega family microcontroller. The project communicates over internet using WiFi module.
In this way the automatization and security is achieved using this project which gives access of the door authorized person even though they are physically present at some remote location from the door.
This project IOT Liquid Level Monitoring system is a very innovative system which will inform the users about the level of liquid and will prevent it from overflowing. To demonstrate this the system makes use of 4 containers. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the containers to detect the liquid level and compare it with the container’s depth. The system makes use of AVR family microcontroller, LCD screen, Wifi modem for sending data and a buzzer. The system is powered by a 12V transformer. The LCD screen is used to display the status of the level of liquid in the containers. Whereas a web page is built to show the status to the user monitoring it. The web page gives a graphical view of the containers and highlights the liquid level in color in order to show the level of liquid. The LCD screen shows the status of the liquid level.
It is quite difficult for individual office owners to operate one or more that one offices and keep track of each office appliances individually. At such time we need an online solution for physical office appliances control. Her we propose use of iot technology for office appliance automation. This allows owner co control his/her office appliances through the internet using an easy to use GUI. For this system demonstration our system uses an AVR family microcontroller for the purpose. A wifi modem is used for receiving commands over the internet. We use 3 loads and a fan to demonstrate as office loads. A wifi modem is used to receive commands over the internet. The wifi module receives user commands over the internet. This information is then passed on n to the microcontroller. The microcontroller now processes this data and switches the loads through relays. Also it switches the fan as per users commands. Also it displays the status of the system on an LCD screen. Thus office automation system allows user to control his office remotely using IOT technology.
All wireless communication systems work on antennas for reception of signals. Proper positioning of antennas is necessary according to satellites/transmitters to achieve effective wireless communication. So here we propose an IOT based antenna positioning system that allows for remotely positioning of antennas based over IOT. Here we use sensor based system with motor on each antenna using antenna to check its facing direction that is transmitted over IOT. If the direction of a satellite or transmitting station changes over time, the antenna direction must also be changed accordingly. The receiving antennas may be placed far apart from each other across the globe. So our system allows for antenna positioning over very long distances. The antenna positions are visible over internet to controlling operator on the IOT
Here we propose an IOT based street light monitoring and controlling system to ensure, low power consumption, consumption monitoring, instant faulty light detection and light dimming as per external lighting conditions. Our proposed system consists of smart street lights that have external light sensing that automatically turns on at desired intensity based on amount of lighting needed. The system also allows the controller/monitoring person to check estimate power consumptions as per current intensity of light as well as predict monthly power consumption. Also each of the unit has load sensing functionality that allows it to detect if the light has a fault. It then automatically flags that light is faulty and this data is sent over to the IOT monitoring system so that action can be taken to fix it.
Underground cables are prone to a wide variety of faults due to underground conditions, wear and tear, rodents etc. Also detecting fault source is difficult and entire line is to be dug in order to check entire line and fix faults. So here we propose an cable fault detection over IOT that detects the exact fault position over iot that makes repairing work very easy. The repairmen know exactly which part has fault and only that area is to be dug to detect the fault source. This saves a lot of time, money and efforts and also allows to service underground cables faster. We use IOT technology that allows the authorities to monitor and check faults over internet.
When it comes to old age, it becomes necessary to monitor our old ones for their health and safety. Due to weakness and weak joints they have a great risk of falling down. Now it is important to know if an old age person has fallen so that he/she can be helped on time. Also people on wheelchair need to be checked for fall detection. For this purpose we propose a smart fall detection system. The system uses accelerometer and gyro sensor to detect person movements, It can be mounted on persons hand or wheelchair for detection. The sensor is connected to a microcontroller in order to constantly transmit the acceleration data. Now the system keeps monitoring for fall detection and abrupt movement changes in person. A sudden abrupt change with jerk in the system is treated as a fall.
Managing multiple toll booths is a very complicated task. We here propose a smart card based toll booth system that is monitored over IOT. The Internet server maintains all the data of user accounts and also their balance. All vehicle owners would possess an rfid based card that stores their account number. Our system at toll booths will monitor the cards scanned when a car arrives at the toll booth. The system now connects to the online server to check if the card is valid and if valid what is the balance. If user balance is sufficient, the user balance is deducted online and web system sends signal back to the card scanner system that the user has been billed. On receiving this signal the system operates a motor to open the toll gate for that car. The system is controlled by a microcontroller to achieve this purpose. The microcontroller uses wifi connection to connect to the internet through which system interacts with web server to perform the online verification process.
With progress in human technology we have seen a substantial progress in the amount of waste generated. Recycling is the only way to manage this huge amount of waste. But recycling requires garbage to be segregated. Without segregation garbage cannot be recycled because different type of garbage requires different recycling processes.
Also It is important to educate users and instruct them every time they come near the dustbin about instructions about throwing the trash. For this purpose we design a garbage disposal system that uses multiple dustbins with a voice based system that speaks to the user each time he she stands before the dustbin.
The system makes use of a camera to detect presence if any person in front of the dustbin. If a person is detected, the system issues voice instructions to the user about throwing right garbage in the right bin. In case the dustbin is full it instructs the user to find another dustbin to throw garbage in.
To develop this system we make use of a raspberry Pi controller. The controller is interfaced with a camera and a voice speaker for detection and communication. The controller gets dustbin level input using ultrasonic level sensors each having LED indicators interfaced to it. The level sensors are used to constantly feed the raspberry pi with bin levels.
Social distancing is of key importance during the current pandemic. It helps limit the spread of covid by observing distance between disease spreading individuals. Now it is not possible to station a person 24×7 at each queue to monitor social distancing violations. Banks, Public Offices, Malls, Schools, Theatres etc usually see long queues for hours every day. To ensure social distancing in queues we hereby design a social distancing monitoring robot.
The robot consists of a 4 wheel design system used to drive the robotic vehicle. It makes use of a line following principle to constantly move along with the queue and monitor for social distancing violations. The robotic uses IR sensing to travel along with the queue to and fro in order to detect violations. The robot is now equipped with obstacle detecting ultrasonic sensor in order to detect obstacles in the vehicle path.
In view of current pandemic covid testing plays a key role in fighting the pandemic. Covid testing is done in covid testing booths that provide a safe covid testing environment. Now the testing process involves the following steps
Now this is a very long process with a lot of manual steps which can lead to human errors because of huge amount of samples coming in for testing. So here we propose a system whereby we automate around 70 % of the manual entry work and allow for a single point and fast covid testing system using IOT.
Nowadays, accidents due to broken and missing manhole covers are quite frequent. Manholes are not monitored properly in developing countries. These accidents can lead to serious injuries and also death. Hence, here we propose a system to overcome this problem. We have included an array of sensors for complete monitoring of the manhole cover so that such accidents can be prevented. This project includes a gas cover to monitor the gas emitted from the sewage systems so that toxicity can be monitored, the internal temperature is also monitored if a check for a change in the temperature as the property of manhole change with temperature which could need to crack formation, a tilt sensor is introduced to indicate whether the manhole can tilt. Also, a float sensor is used to indicate when the water level goes beyond a certain level, in case of any alert due to any of the parameters we send an SMS to an authority number as well as on the IOT website. Also, all the parameters are continuously updated on the website.
When one phase of a three-phase system gets lost, a phase loss occurs. This is referred as a ‘single phasing’, this failure generally caused by a blown fuse, thermal overload, broken wire, worn contact or mechanical failure. This is an advanced system that monitors power failure. There are three phases R, Y, and B when any one of the phases detects failure it notifies the concerned authority with the help of text message. This IOT system is connected with the GSM module, the call is connected for configuration purpose. Whenever the phases are been disconnected the system shows the power failure on LCD indicating voltage value and then it raises a buzzer. Then it sends SMS on the authorized number informing the disconnected phase. After reconnecting power to the phase system, raises a buzzer and sends the text message informing the phase is working fine, on the authority person number. In this way, the authority gets instantly notified and they may take appropriate action to solve the problem.
The rapid rise of technology and infrastructure has made our lives easier. The high demand of automobiles has also increased the traffic hazards and road accidents. Life of the people is under high risk. The delay in reaching of the ambulance to the accident location and the traffic congestion in between accident location and hospital increases the chances of death of the victim. To overcome this problem our automatic ambulance rescue system comes to the rescue. This proposed IOT based accident detection system helps to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and also reduces the time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital. To detect the accident there is accelerometer sensor present in this rescue system and the GSM module included sends messages about the location to the respective guardian and rescue team. With the help of accelerometer sensor signal, a severe accident due to an obstacle can be recognized. Microcontroller used, sends the alert message through the GSM module including the location to guardian or a rescue team. So, the emergency help team can immediately trace the location through the GPS module, after receiving the accident location information, action can be taken immediately. This accelerometer based accident detection system is powered by Atmega 328 microcontroller it consists of display, accelerometer sensor, GSM module and alarm. This automatic ambulance rescue system project is useful in detecting the accident.
Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground. Steel and cement industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore and for cement production. Underground mining industry comes to the category, where each and every parameter such as methane gas, high temperature, fire accidents and so on has to be monitored regularly. Safe production level of coal mine is still low, disasters in coal mine occur frequently, which lead to great loss of possession and life. The disasters happening in coal mine are due to the complexity of mine environment and the variety of work carried out in coal mine, so it is very necessary to monitor the working environment of coal mine. To get over this problem, Nevon projects has proposed a wireless sensor network’s application in coal mining safety system. In this wireless sensor network’s application system there will, be master controllers and slave controllers. Slave controllers will detect the danger and give alert through RF to master controller and it will raise the alarm in all tunnels and also raise message on IOT, which will help to take action as soon as possible. This monitoring and alerting system is powered by Atmega328 microcontroller for master controller and 8051 micro controllers for slave controllers. 8051 micro controller consists of temperature sensor, water sensor, methane and carbon dioxide sensor and RF transmitter which collects temperature, humidity and methane values underground of coal mine.
Energy crisis is one of the major problems that the world faces today. The energy crisis can be reduced to a certain extent by properly monitoring our energy consumption and avoiding energy wastage. Nowadays people face many problems like power theft. Power theft may be a measure crime and it also directly affects the economy of our country. This system will find energy theft easily. This IOT electricity meter is consisting of Atmega 328 microcontroller with a WIFI module for IOT connection and GSM module for mobile connection, on which users will receive information via SMS. This smart electricity meter also consists of a current sensor that sends the current reading to the microcontroller. We have to connect cell phones with the system via SMS which will help to configure with the system. In case of an emergency, the information will be shared on the configured number.
Many accidents occur in day to day life like explosion because of LPG leakage. Major harm is caused, if gas leakage is not detected early. But now we can detect the gas leakage using the MQ5 gas sensor. In this IOT gas leakage detector, device will get connected to WIFI, the minimum and maximum parameter can be set accordingly. Such IOT as well as Arduino based gas leakage detector systems can be installed in homes, hotels LPG gas storage areas. In this LPG gas detector system senses the LPG gas using MQ5 gas sensor. This device will continuously monitor the level of LPG gas present in the air. While monitoring, if the value of LPG gas in air is within the set limit then the RGB LED on the circuit will glow green giving a safe sign. And whenever the gas exceeds above the predefined limit than the RGB LED will glow red and simultaneously solenoid value will turn off and update it over IOT. This Arduino and IOT project will help in detecting gas leakage in the surrounding.
Gas leaks within the home are usually the results of poorly fitted, badly maintained or faulty appliances like boilers and cookers. There are several deaths per year linked to gas leaks in addition to hundreds of hospitalizations, gas safety is something every household should take seriously. To reduce this accident, we can detect the gas leakage using the MQ5 gas sensor. Firstly, when we turn on the power to the circuit, the project automatically gets connected to the WIFI and the IOT site, once the connection to Wi-Fi and the IOT site is established, the system waits for the user to manually enter the minimum and maximum values on the IOT site, once the user enters the data is received by the system.
The Embedded technology has entered almost in all aspects of day-to-day life, and the healthcare field is no exception for that the requirement for fully-equipped hospitals and diagnostic centers growing day by day as people are becoming more unaware of their health problems. An ECG signal can trace various physiological and abnormal conditions of the heart. This heart monitoring system also helps to inform the person whether he/she has any heart diseases or not. This is done by checking the heart beat level. In this system Atmega controller is used to scan ECG signal and search for pattern in common range, if the pattern will be in normal range then it gives the report of being normal if it is found that it is not in normal range then the person is suffering from some kind of heart disease. The following result is sent as an alert message on IOT.
As we know coma is a state of unconsciousness in which patient cannot feel or respond to the pain, light or sound, it does not initiate volunteering any actions. Patients in a coma state need to have a continuous update of Blood pressure, temperature, humidity, and urine level. Doing this manually can become almost impossible to keep updates of multiple patients at the same time. In order to address this situation, our system comes to the rescue; this system will collect the information of patients with the help of sensors. These sensors use WIFI to communicate this information to the internet. This system is powered by the Raspberry Pi it includes a blood pressure monitoring unit and an ultrasonic sensor to check urine, temperature sensor, motion sensor, and an LCD display.
When we turn the system on, it gets connected to the website using WIFI, System monitor shows four signs namely heart rate, temperature, humidity, and urine output.
This project provides a password based circuit breaker system using IOT. Quite a lot of fatal accidents happen with line men due to electric shocks. It is a result of miscoordination or miscommunication between line men and substations. The project aims to solve this issue by making use of IOT. The IoT based Circuit Breaker is a system with high response time, which uses the interconnection network (internet) to control electrical loads. This system uses a wifi module paired with Atmega328p microcontroller locally to connect to the internet. It is also equipped with an LCD display which shows the state of each load connected to the system, either On or Off. A user or operator at the other end can remotely connect with the system using an internet device and an interface named “IoT Gecko”. Here, the user or operator has to log in on IoT Gecko interface passing through an additional layer of security, that is Password Protection. From the IoT Gecko interface, the user can control the state (on/off) of the connected loads remotely, virtually from anywhere around the globe.
In this system we make use of a raspberry pi with water sensors, rain sensors to predict flood and alert respective authorities and sound instant alarm in nearby villages to instantly transmit information about possible floods using IOT. The water sensors are used to measure water level of 3 different locations. Also 3 different rain sensors are used to measure rain level of those 3 areas. These sensors provide information over the IOT using Raspberry Pi. On detection of conditions of flooding the system predicts the amount of time it would take to flood in a particular area and alerts the villages/areas that could be affected by it. The system also calculates the time it would take for flood to reach them and provides a time to people so that they can evacuate accordingly.
Observing and monitoring your power utilization for verification is a not a easy task today since regularly checking the meter room is very tedious task Well, it is very important to know whether you are charged likewise so the need is very sure.
Well, we have made a system that allows users to monitor energy meter readings over IOT. Our proposed system utilizes energy meter with microcontroller system to monitor energy utilization utilizing a meter.
The meter is used to monitor units consumed, estimated cost, Line Voltage and current consumed.
IOT Smart Energy Grid is based on ATmega family controller which controls the various activities of the system. The system communicates over internet by using Wi-Fi technology. A bulb is used in this project to demonstrate as a valid consumer and a bulb to demonstrate an invalid consumer. The foremost thing that this project facilitates is re-connection of transmission line to active grid. If an Energy Grid becomes faulty and there is an another Energy Grid, the system switches the Transmission Lines towards this Grid thus facilitating uninterrupted electricity supply to that particular region whose Energy Grid went OFF. And this information of which Grid is active is updated over IOT.
Our proposed system makes use of rf technology along with IOT to achieve this system. The system has the capability to pinpoint the location of any entity to exact room it is currently located in. The system uses mini rf circuits to be used as tracking devices. We use tracking microcontroller based circuits to track those rf circuits. The tracker cuircuits are battery powered circuits to be mounted on objects/entities. The monitoring circuits are to be placed in individual rooms. Now as soon as any tracker objects enter any room the tracker circuits come in 2-3 meters range of the monitoring circuit for that room. The monitoring system now transmits the location of that tracker circuit to the online system.
Our proposed system consists of a microcontroller based circuit that has lights and fan connected to it along with LCD display and Wifi connector interfaced with raspberry pi. Our system interacts with out online IOT system that IOT Gecko free web interface for controlling our home appliances with ease. After linking with IOT Gecko, the user is allowed to send load switching commands over IOT to our circuit. The circuit receives the commands over IOT by connecting to internet using wifi connector and then the raspberry processor processes these commands. After this the processor now processes these instructions to get user commands. It then displays these on an LCD display. Also it operates the loads (lights and fan) for switch them on/off according to desired user commands. Thus we automate home appliances over internet using raspberry pi.
The system uses Fire sensor along with PIR sensor to efficiently detect fires and alert fire department over IOT. We use an arduino uno in order to check if a sensor is triggered. Then it reconfirms if it really is a fire outbreak using temperature sensors in order to confirm of fire outbreak. The system now uses a wifi connection to access IOT server and transmit data about this incident over internet.
Here we propose an IOT based automated traffic signal monitoring as well as controller system that automates complete traffic signaling system automation and also allows for manual override over internet. The system uses arduino based circuit system to monitor traffic signal densities and transmits this data online over internet to the controllers.
This puts forth a traffic signal monitoring and controller system that can be operated remotely over the internet from anywhere with manual override ability.
Air and sound pollution is a growing issue these days. It is necessary to monitor air quality and keep it under control for a better future and healthy living for all. Here we propose an air quality as well as sound pollution monitoring system that allows us to monitor and check live air quality as well as sound pollution in a particular areas through IOT. System uses air sensors to sense presence of harmful gases/compounds in the air and constantly transmit this data to microcontroller.
Our system puts forward a smart patient health tracking system that uses Sensors to track patient health and uses internet to inform their loved ones in case of any issues. Our system uses temperature as well as heartbeat sensing to keep track of patient health. The sensors are connected to a microcontroller to track the status which is in turn interfaced to an lcd display as well as wifi connection in order to transmit alerts. If system detects any abrupt changes in patient heartbeat or body temperature, the system automatically alerts the user about the patients status over IOT and also shows details of heartbeat and temperature of patient live over the internet.
Here we propose IOT based theft detection project using Raspberry Pi where we use image processing on live video to detect theft using motion and also highlight the area where motion occurred. This system secures offices/homes from theft by instantly detecting theft as well as allowing user to view the theft details thereby highlighting the theft details and saving the video in a usb drive. In this system we use a camera along with raspberry pi along with a circuit with LCD display IR for night vision and USB drive for storage. The system is powered y a 12V power supply. As soon as camera motion is detected in camera footage the system uses image processing to detect exact area of motion occurrence and highlights it accordingly. The system now transmits the images of the occurance over IOT to be viewed by user online.
The first step to detect covid is by scanning for fever. Also we need to monitor every person for a mask. We have temperature checking systems for every entrances for scanning but manual temperature scanning has a lot of disadvantages.
To solve this problem we here propose a fully automated temperature scanner and entry provider system. It is a multipurpose system that has a wide range of applications. The system makes use of a contactless temperature scanner and a mask monitor. The scanner is connected directly with a human barrier to bar entry if high temperature or no mask is detected.
Any person will not be provided entry without temperature and mask scan. Only person having both conditions is instantly allowed inside. The system uses temperature sensor and camera connected with a raspberry pi system to control the entire operation.
The camera is used to scan for mask and temperature sensor for forehead temperature. The raspberry processes the sensor inputs and decides weather the person is to be allowed. In this case the system operates a motor to open the barrier allowing the person to enter the premises. If a person is flagged by system for high temperature or no Mask the system glows the red light and bars the person from entry. Also the face and temperature of person is transmitted over IOT to server for authorities to take action and test the person for covid.
In times of COVID we have special Covid 19 Quarantine centers setup in order to treat covid patients. Since covid is highly infectious it is very important to quarantine covid patients but at the same time doctors need to monitor health of covid patients too. With the increasing number of cases it is becoming difficult to keep a track on the health conditions of s many quarantined patients.
To Solve this issue we here design a remote IOT based health monitor system that allows for remptely monitoring of multiple covid patients over the internet. The system monitors patient heartbeat, temperature and blood pressure using a heartbeat sensor, temperature sensor and BP Sensor respectively.
The system then transmits this data over the internet using wifi transmission by connecting to wifi internet connection. The data is transmitted and received over IOT by IOT
This IOT based Agriculture monitoring system makes use of wireless sensor networks that collects data from different sensors deployed at various nodes and sends it through the wireless protocol. This smart agriculture using IOT system is powered by Arduino, it consists of Temperature sensor, Moisture sensor, water level sensor, DC motor and GPRS module. When the IOT based agriculture monitoring system starts it checks the water level, humidity and moisture level. It sends SMS alert on the phone about the levels. Sensors sense the level of water if it goes down, it automatically starts the water pump. If the temperature goes above the level, fan starts. This all is displayed on the LCD display module. This all is also seen in IOT where it shows information of Humidity, Moisture and water level with date and time, based on per minute. Temperature can be set on a particular level, it is based on the type crops cultivated.
This greenhouse monitoring and control system comes to rescue. This project demonstrates the design and implementation of a various sensors for greenhouse environment monitoring and controlling. This greenhouse control system is powered by Atmega328 microcontroller it consists of temperature sensor, light sensor, soil moisture sensor, LDR sensor, LCD display module, 12v DC fan, Bulb and pump. Temperature sensor, senses the level of temperature., if it goes high DC fans gets on and when the temperature goes low the fan gets off. Soil moisture sensor, senses the water level as the level decreases the pumps gets on. In the absence of light, the LDR sensor senses and the bulb starts glowing. By this way it will become easy to monitor and control the system.
To secure and guard our house in our absence, we propose the IOT based Anti-theft Flooring System using Raspberry Pi. This system monitors the entire floor for movement. One single step anywhere on the floor is tracked and user is alarmed over IOT. This system is secure flooring tile connected with IOT when we go out of house, the system is to be turned on, then whoever comes inside the house it passes the information over IOT. This system powered is by Raspberry pi it includes, two tiles for demonstration purpose, Piezo sensor, camera, wifi modem. Whenever the thief enters in the house, and steps on the floor immediately it is sensed by the sensor which passes on the signal to raspberry pi controller. The controller in turn processes it to be valid signal and then moves the camera to the area where movement was detected and then transmits it over the Internet for the home owner to check the image.
“IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance System” is an intelligent system which keeps close watch over various natural factors to predict a flood, so we can embrace ourselves for caution, to minimise the damage caused by the flood. Natural disasters like a flood can be devastating leading to property damage and loss of lives. To eliminate or lessen the impacts of the flood, the system uses various natural factors to detect flood. The system has a wifi connectivity, thus it’s collected data can be accessed from anywhere quite easily using IoT.
Nowadays Women Safety is the biggest concern in many parts of the world. There is still a fear in alone areas for women as well as men. So here we propose a security patrolling robot using Raspberry PI. The system uses cameras and mic mounted on robotic vehicle for securing any premises. The robotic vehicle moves at particular path and is equipped with camera and sound sensors. It uses a predefined line to follow its path while patrolling. It stops at particular points and moves to next points if sound is detected. The system uses IR based path following system for patrolling assigned area. It monitors each area to detect any problem using combination of two HD cameras. It has the ability to monitor sound in the premises. Robot hears Any sound after area is quite and it starts moving towards the sound on its predefined path. It then scans the area using its camera to detect any human faces detected. It captures and starts transmitting the images of the situation immediately to the IOT platform.
Well it is a quite shocking fact but prison escapes are not very uncommon occurrences. There is no exact data count but we have all heard and still keep hearing of a variety of prison escapes happening globally. The fact that such number of inmates may still be roaming among us is itself scary. Well so here we propose a prisoner tracking system that helps detect prison breaks and instantly alert authorities using IOT. The system makes use of a microcontroller based circuit to achieve the task using rf technology. We make use of RF trackers on each inmate to detect their presence in the premises. The 2 central monitoring units are used to scan through all inmates as per data fed to it and constantly keep track of each prisoner. Each prisoner is mounted with a rf tracker transmitting a unique prisoner code wirelessly. Whenever a prisoner exits the facility the centralized system is unable to receive his/her code. At that time the receiver circuitry instructs the controller to tack action against particular prisoner. The System now transmits the prisoner details over to the officers alerting portal to send out instant alert and catch the prisoner before he runs even 50 meters away from the facility.
The IOT industry protection system using Arduino is a system designed to protect industries from losses due to accidents using Internet of things. Gas leakages may lead to fires leading to huge industrial losses, also instant fire detection is needed in case of furnace blasts or other conditions. Also low lighting in industries may create improper work conditions increasing the probability of accidents. The system makes use of arduino to achieve this functionality. The system makes use of temperature sensing along with light ans gas sensing to detect fire, gas leakage as well as low lighting to avoid any industrial accidents and prevent losses. The system consists of light, gas and temperature sensors interfaced with arduino and LCD screen. The sensor data is constantly scanned to record values andcheck for fire, gas leakage or low light and then this data is transmitted online.
The IOT based paralysis patient health care system is a system designed to help the patient convey various messages to doctors, nurse, or his/her loved ones sitting at home or office over the internet. The system makes use of a microcontroller based circuitry to achieve this functionality. It makes use of a hand motion recognition circuit and a receiver plus transmitter circuit. The hand motion circuit is used to detect hand movements using accelerometer gyro and then transmit this information wirelessly over rf to the receiver system. The receiver system is designed to receive and process these commands and display them over the LCD display as well as transmit the data online over to IOT server
IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System is a Raspberry Pi based system which collects patient’s information with the help of few sensors. It uses Wifi module to communicate this information to the internet. There is this Blood pressure and heart beat monitor module electrically connected to the system and physically to be worn by the user. On the press of button, the sensor senses the blood pressure in systolic and diastolic along with the heart beat and sends it to the central controller. The Temperature sensor senses the temperature of its ambience, so when this sensor is in close proximity of the user it reports the users’ body temperature. Thus, the doctor can get access to these vital parameters pertaining to the patients’ health over the IOT.
Farmers usually work on large portions of land to grow different types of crops. It is not always possible for one person to be able to keep track of the entire farmland all the time. Sometimes it may happen that a given patch of land receives more water leading to water-logging, or it might receive far less or no water at all leading to dry soil. In either of the cases, the crops can get damaged and farmer may suffer losses.
So in order to solve this problem, we propose an “IOT Irrigation Monitoring and Control Project”. This is a very useful project wherein, the user can monitor and control the supply of water from a remote location. This system makes use of a concept called IOT (Internet of Things). So for our project, we connect our system to the internet using a Wi-Fi module. We use an Arduino Uno board to send the control signals and to connect to our desired website.
Factories, Offices, Hospitals, Military and other such industries need to monitor their staff/personnel follow all work ethics that include, not coming to premises under the influence of alcohol or under bad health conditions. This ensures proper work ethics are followed. So our proposed system allows for alcohol & health monitoring plus reporting system that monitors this and reports it to concerned personnel remotely over internet. Our system consists of an IOT based circuit system that uses a microcontroller based circuit system. The system has alcohol as well as blood pressure monitoring sensors to check for alcohol consumption as well as inappropriate blood pressure monitoring. This ensures no occurrences of accidents due to alcohol influence or bad health conditions.
Solar power plants need to be monitored for optimum power output. This helps retrieve efficient power output from power plants while monitoring for faulty solar panels, connections, dust accumulated on panels lowering output and other such issues affecting solar performance. So here we propose an automated IOT based solar power monitoring system that allows for automated solar power monitoring from anywhere over the internet. We use arduino based system to monitor a 10Watt solar panel parameters. Our system constantly monitors the solar panel and transmits the power output to IOT system over the internet. Here we use IOT Gecko to transmit solar power parameters over the internet to IOT Gecko server. It now displays these parameters to the user using an effective GUI and also alerts user when the output falls below specific limits. This makes remotely monitoring of solar plants very easy and ensure best power output.
Here we propose an internet based industry automation system that allows a single industry operator to control industry appliances with ease using Raspberry Pi and IOT Gecko for development. Our proposed system allows for automation of industrial loads to achieve automation over internet. We use IOT gecko for the web server interface and raspberry pi to process and run circuit loads. User is allowed to send commands for machine/load switching over internet using IOT Gecko interface from anywhere in the world over internet. The raspberry processor now captures these commands by internet over wifi connector. Now the raspberry pi processes received data to extract user commands. After getting commands it displays it on an LCD display. Also it switches the loads on/off based on received commands to achieve user desired output. The system thus achieves industry automation over IOT using raspberry pi.
Monitoring and keeping tracking of your electricity consumption for verification is a tedious task today since you need to go to meter reading room and take down readings. Well it is important to know if you are charged accordingly so the need is quite certain. Well we automate the system by allowing users to monitor energy meter readings over the internet. Our proposed system uses energy meter with microcontroller system to monitor energy usage using a meter.
The meter is used to monitor units consumed and transmit the units as well as cost charged over the internet using wifi connection. This allows user to easily check the energy usage along with the cost charged online using a simple web application. Thus the energy meter monitoring system allows user to effectively monitor electricity meter readings and check the billing online with ease.
Our proposed system users sensors that allow to detect heart rate of a person using heartbeat sensing even if the person is at home. The sensor is then interfaced to a microcontroller that allows checking heart rate readings and transmitting them over internet. The user may set the high as well as low levels of heart beat limit. After setting these limits, the system starts monitoring and as soon as patient heart beat goes above a certain limit, the system sends an alert to the controller which then transmits this over the internet and alerts the doctors as well as concerned users. Also the system alerts for lower heartbeats. Whenever the user logs on for monitoring, the system also displays the live heart rate of the patient. Thus concerned ones may monitor heart rate as well get an alert of heart attack to the patient immediately from anywhere and the person can be saved on time.
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