Latest GSM Based Projects for final year engineering students
GSM based projects for final year students of EEE, EIE and ECE, this article contains a list of latest GSM based projects for final year students of electrical, electronics, telecom and computer engineering students. GSM stands for global system of mobile communication. GSM is used in every mobile almost. Students are using GSM modules in their semester and final year projects to make system more intelligent and easy to use. For example in home automation system GSM modules are used to turn on or turn off home devices through mobile phone. User sends on/off commands through mobile to gsm module to control home devices through mobile phone. If you don’t know how to use GSM module and how to interface GSM module with microcontrollers, take a look in to the projects mesoln offers.
This advanced authentication system is made for identifying candidates and granting access to them. After turning on the system, the project will first initialize GSM. It will then ask the admin to call in order to register the number of admin, after successful registration SMS feedback is given, a user need to enrol fingerprint of candidates. After enrolling fingerprint user can start the system, authorized person can scan fingers then the door opens and an SMS is sent to the admin notifying him about the candidate.
This system will find energy theft easily. This IOT electricity meter is consisting of Atmega 328 microcontroller with a WIFI module for IOT connection and GSM module for mobile connection, on which users will receive information via SMS. This smart electricity meter also consists of a current sensor that sends the current reading to the microcontroller. We have to connect cell phones with the system via SMS which will help to configure with the system. In case of an emergency, the information will be shared on the configured number.
This proposed IOT based accident detection system helps to reduce the loss of life due to accidents and also reduces the time taken by the ambulance to reach the hospital. To detect the accident there is accelerometer sensor present in this rescue system and the GSM module included sends messages about the location to the respective guardian and rescue team. With the help of accelerometer sensor signal, a severe accident due to an obstacle can be recognized. Microcontroller used, sends the alert message through the GSM module including the location to guardian or a rescue team. So, the emergency help team can immediately trace the location through the GPS module, after receiving the accident location information, action can be taken immediately.
There are 4 load connections in the system over which bulbs can be connected or any other AC Mains Voltage appliance. These loads can be switched using slide switches given on board of the project or also through SMS. SMS is received by GSM module and sent to the controller for processing. In this way automation is also achieved in this project.
In this way this project can prove to be very useful for places where devices are needed to be quality checked before they can actually be used or deployed on site. The factors being measured by this project are the power consumption rate, power factor and automatic control of the loads connected to the system.
GSM based Patient Health Monitoring Project mainly works for allowing doctors or relatives of patient to check the status of patient health remotely. The system calculates the heartbeats and body temperature of patient and if it goes above certain limit then immediate informative alert message will be sent to the registered number.
The system efficiently updates doctor about health of patient as well as accurately calculates the health parameter of patient.
The system acts as an accident avoidance and detection system that gathers all the information and sends it to the close person or anyone whose number the driver has assigned.
The Gsm module now intern begins transmitting this accident data along with the exact position of victim through google maps link . So the concern person can immediately trace the location through the GPS MODEM. And the person can immediately help the victim who has met with the accident with getting exact location of victim.
Over speeding vehicle make lot of nuisance sometimes also leading to loss of lives and other damages. Also imposing speed restrictions through sign boards have been rendered fruitless wherein the vehicle drivers do not comply with it and resulting catastrophic. Vehicle Speed Limit Controller Project is a great solution to this problem as it not only provides speed limitations, it also implements it through a controlling mechanism.
The user can monitor and control the supply of water from a remote location. This system makes use of a concept called IOT (Internet of Things). So for our project, we connect our system to the internet using a Wi-Fi module. We use an Arduino Uno board to send the control signals and to connect to our desired website.
On the website, two things are displayed:
a) Motor status b) Moisture level
The fingerprinted authenticated bank locker system is safe as well as easy to use and maintain.
No key handling no need to worry about key getting lost. The system uses fingerprint sensing to read fingerprints and first store registered fingerprints against the bank locker record. Now next time a person scans finger the sensor reads it and compares it with past records.
The main goal of fingerprint bank locker with image capture project is to provide security with no manual security flaws. It is easy to use and requires no special training or equipment. This system needs fingerprint authentication while operating the bank locker as well as captures the images of person who is handling the locker and saves it in memory card which can be later viewed with card reader to the bank authorized person. The functionality of system is that it will scan the fingerprint and if it matches with registered fingerprint the bank locker opens and also captures the image of user.
The system consists of fire and gas sensors for detection purpose. If system detects a gas leakage the system first shuts off the gas supply (displayed using stepper motor) to avoid more gas leakage. The system now also starts an exhaust fan to suck out all the leaked gas. Also the system sends information of this event to the authorized user through an SMS message using GSM modem.
The system senses temperature, as well as light and humidity and conveys this to the user wirelessly. Our system uses temperature sensor to detect and record current temperature. It uses a light sensor in order to detect current lighting conditions. Also a humidity sensor is used to detect current humidity conditions. All this data from sensors is conveyed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller now processes this data and passes is on to a gsm modem interfaced to it. The gsm modem now encodes this data as sms message and sends this message to programmed user.
A system that allows for automatic illegal parking detection and alerting. The system consists of integrating an RFID transmitter in every vehicle. RFID receiver circuit is mounted on every area where parking is not prohibited. If a vehicle is parked in an area where parking is not prohibited the rfid transmitter comes in rang of the receiver circuit. Once this happens the rfid reader reads the transmitter id and can instantly alert authority with area code so that authorities can directly arrive at the spot and sends an sms to the car owner about the fine imposed on the vehicle.
Managing multiple toll booths is a very complicated task. We here propose a smart card based toll booth system that is monitored over IOT. The Internet server maintains all the data of user accounts and also their balance. All vehicle owners would possess an rfid based card that stores their account number. Our system at toll booths will monitor the cards scanned when a car arrives at the toll booth. The system now connects to the online server to check if the card is valid and if valid what is the balance. If user balance is sufficient, the user balance is deducted online and web system sends signal back to the card scanner system that the user has been billed.
A smart master card approach that integrates all these systems together and allows for a single master card and a centralized system for all transportation mediums. To demonstrate this concept we use three RFID scanners to demonstrate as bus train and metro train smart card scanners respectively. Now we use three smart cards that work particularly on each of the systems viz one rfid card for bus, one for train and one for metro respectively.
The system includes a GPS modem that tracks the vehicle location in the form of latitude and longitude. This location can be accessed via sms that is being sent to the user. With the help latitude and longitude information SMS user will able to locate vehicle with Google map. This system proves very beneficial for transport and travel companies as they can now keep track of their vehicles.
Gas leakage tragedies and accidents have led to heavy losses over the years. So it is very important to detect any gas leakage and prevent any accidents. We here propose to build the system using a MQ6 gas detection sensor and interface it with 8051 family microcontroller along with GSM modem. Our system uses the gas sensor to detect any gas leakages. The signal from gas sensor is applied to microcontroller as soon as it encounters a gas leakage. And we also used the Fire sensor to detect the fire level, Temperature sensor LM35 and LDR also used. The microcontroller processes this signal and sends out a signal to the GSM modem with required message details. The GSM modem now sends out an alerting SMS to the authorized people so that they may handle the issue.
Internet of things (IoT) is the network of entities that consists of electronics, programmable software, sensors, and communication facility that enables these entities to gather and transfer data. The objective of the proposed system is to alert the remote user while the fire accidents occur. This system can be installed at any remote premise which has threat of fire accidents. Using this system we can detect the fire by camera. So sensors are not required to detect fire. The Raspberry Pi controller processes the camera input and detects fire using heat signatures. By using image processing method, the report is automatically generated and sends to the person immediately after the fire is detected in any part of the frame using Wi-Fi/GSM. On detecting fire, the system will go into emergency mode. The major advantages in this method are: sending the information to the person at any time, any place and remote monitoring for immediate actions.
A major problem today for car owners is that they are in constant fear of having their vehicles stolen from a common parking lot or from outside their home. Image processing based real time vehicle theft detection and prevention system provides an ultimate solution for this problem. In this paper, a low-cost extendable framework for smart car security system is proposed, which consists of a FDS (Face Detection Subsystem), a GPS (Global Positioning System) module, a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) module and a control platform. The system described in this paper automatically take photos of driver and compares his or her face with database to check whether he is an authenticated driver or not. The face detection subsystem bases on optimized PCA algorithm and can detect faces in cars. The other modules transmit necessary information to users and help to keep eyes on cars all the time, even when the car is lost. This system prototype is built on Raspberry pi, controls all the processes. The owner is made able to perform car stopping through the message from his mobile. The GPS module in the car detects the location of the car. So by this system the identification of the thief and the location of the car are simply smarter and cheaper than traditional one.
Many a times the person who met with an accident doesn’t get any help from the surrounding hence auto-detection of accident and notifying the accident with the location to a victim’s relatives and emergency services plays a vital role in saving person’s life. This paper describes the implementation of microcontroller based accident detection and notification system. The sensing unit contains collision sensor, alcohol sensor and tow sensor which are used to detect accident and towing of vehicle. When accident happens GPS sky trek s1315 is used to track real time location and GSM 900 is used to notify the accident via SMS. The GPS will track location in terms of latitude and longitude and the SMS „containing GPS data‟ will be sent to the victim’s relatives (numbers which are stored by user in our system) and emergency services like hospitals, police station etc. LCD is used to display the location and status of the vehicle.
Nowadays, health care sensors are playing an essential role in hospitals. The patient monitoring system is one of the major developments because of its innovative technology. An automatic wireless health monitoring system is used to measure a patient’s body temperature and heartbeat by using embedded technology. The proposed system uses both sensors like heartbeat sensor and a temperature sensor. These sensors mainly involve monitoring the condition of the patient.
In the present scenario we can easily find surveillance systems to safeguard public places such as banks, shopping malls, homes, etc. from robbers. People are well acquainted with current security systems of the Indian jails. Currently CCTVs, drones and guards are used to monitor the activities of the jail. But these surveillance systems are not sufficient to supervise such criminals and ensure that there is no chance of the escaping of these prisoners. As there are many problems with the modern security systems. Some of the detected issues with these CCTVs are deteriorated images at night, noisy camera footage, flickering videos, displaying horizontal lines on videos, getting no video signal, no recording by DVR, starting and annoying false alarms, bright spots on the monitor, etc. These troubles can create much chaos in the jails and prisoner can get a chance to flee as well as deployment of these techniques is quite costlier. This shows that there is a demand of such a secure system that is economical to use and can provide satisfactory surveillance solution to the Indian jails. Many systems have been introduced earlier to fulfil this demand that generally use Iot, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS but these systems are not steady and can be affected by cyber-attacks. Through this paper we came-up with an idea to design an advanced and reliable fix for this problem statement. The aspiration of our device is to implement an intact environment in the prison that supervise the motion of the prisoners and the outsiders and overcome the limitations of the security modules available in the market.
This paper focuses on sophisticated voting system using RFID and Finger print technologies. Each user is provided a voter’s ID in the form of RFID Tag. The hardware design has a Finger print scanning sensor which is used to compare the finger print of the user with the pre-stored finger print of the user. During voting, both the finger prints are checked for matching and if it does not match, then an alert is given using buzzer. Keypad is used for selecting the voting preferences. LCD is used to display the corresponding data for each key to the user. Thus, illegal voting cannot be done since finger print is unique for each person. The voting process is carried out only if the finger print matches with the stored value.
This paper describes the design of RFID based security and access control system for use in hostels inside the Punjab University premises. The system combines RFID technology and biometrics to accomplish the required task. When the RFID reader installed at the entrance of hostel detects a number, the system captures the user image and scans the database for a match. If both the card and captured image belong to a registered user, access is granted; otherwise the system turns on the alarm and makes an emergency call to the security van through GSM modem. In this way, the suspicious persons can be caught.
Technology has changed so much, so is the rate of people of all ages who are attracted to electronic gadgets. In many industries, electronic devices such as smart card readers, barcodes, and RFID scanners are increasingly used. Supermarkets also need these kinds of gadgets. Currently, every person in the mall purchases the product placed in the trolley. Upon purchase, the person will have to stand in a queue for billing. In the billing process, an employee scans each product’s barcode and bills it to the final [5]. This process can take a lot of time and it can be even worse on holidays, special offers or weekends. To overcome this, a smart way to shop in malls has been developed. Each product has an RFID tag instead of a barcode. The Smart Trolley features an RFID reader, LCD module. When a person places any product on the trolley, it is scanned and the product’s cost, name, and expiration date are displayed. The total cost will be added to the final check out bill. The bill is stored in the microcontrollers memory. Once the purchase is complete, the purchase details are sent to the customer through the GSM module. Arduino IDE software tool is used for programming and Proteus software is used to check simulation results before hardware implementation.
Mining is one of the most dangerous trades all over the world. In some countries, underground miners lack safety, social guarantees and in case of injury may be left to cope without assistance. There are negative social impacts as well, such as displacement and lost livelihoods. The mining industry has the highest incidence of occupational deaths among all industries. Common causes of occupational deaths include rock falls, fires, explosions, methane intoxication, and electrocution. There are many case studies behind underground mines, a recent case study in china reveal that underground mining in China is the world’s deadliest industry. To overcome all these disasters, we have developed a better communication technology which has to be employed for an intelligent sensing and warning system. For this, RF technology is chosen for the communication inside the mines. Safety is the most vital part of any type of industry. In the mining industry safety and security is a fundamental aspect of all. To avoid any types of accidents mining industry follows some basic precautions.
The system is constructed so as to achieve the control over the gate crossing situated at the railway level i.e. closing and opening of the crossing gates. In current scenario the gates are mostly controlled involving manpower which is usually placed at the level crossing. Here the proposed system makes use of an android platform. The working of the gate i.e. closing and opening of the gate is controlled with the help of an android application which will be on an android smart phone or a tablet. When a train is anywhere nearby the level crossing gate a SMS will be send from an android application. The SMS will be sending to the GSM modem which will interpret the SMS and it will then forward the command to the microcontroller. Then the microcontroller will feed the output signal to the motor and motor driver is switched on. It results in closing of the gate. Then for opening of the gate other command to open the gate will be given to the microcontroller through GSM modem from android application which will forward the signal to the motor driver. Here AVR microcontroller is been used to complete the process.. Here an LCD is been used to display the current status of the railway gate i.e. open or closed which is attached with the microcontroller.
Our proposed project aims to have control over the Ac power applied to a load by controlling the firing angle of a thyristor. In comparison to various methods this method is quite effective to control such a power supply.The android interface required for sending commands can be sent through any android based phone/tab or any device running on android OS. The system makes use of a waveform zero crossing point that is detected by a comparator and the output of this is fed to the comparator.The microcontroller is programmed to delay triggering control my making use of an opto isolator interface to a pair of SCR’s. The power through the SCR’s is then applied to the load.The project makes use of an AVR microcontroller for the operation. The commands sent via android device are received by a gsm modem mounted on the circuit. The receiver then processes the commands and sends it to the microcontroller for further processing. A lamp is used to demonstrate as a induction motor. The lamp intensity is varied as per the commands to simulate as induction motor speed
Crops in farms are many times ravaged by local animals like buffaloes, cows, goats, birds etc. This leads to huge losses for the farmers. It is not possible for farmers to barricade entire fields or stay on field 24 hours and guard it. So here we pro- pose automatic crop protection system from animals. This is a microcontroller based system using PIC family microcontroller. This system uses a motion sensor to detect wild animals approaching near the field. In such a case the sensor signals the microcontroller to take action. The microcontroller now sounds an alarm to woo the animals away from the field as well as sends SMS to the farmer so that he may know about the issue and come to the spot in case the animals don’t turn away by the alarm. This ensures complete safety of crops from animals thus protecting the farmers loss
The microcontroller unit connected to speed control mechanism. The speed is varying using Pulse With Modulation Technique. The PWM is a very simple and most widely used to control speed of Brushless DC Motor. The GSM is a Global system for mobile communication GSM is an International digital cellular telecommunication.
The proposed project of Fire safety is an intelligent self-controlled smart fire extinguisher system assembled with fire sensors, actuators and operated by micro-controller unit (MCU). Input signals from various sensors placed in different position of the monitored area are provided to the MCU which combines integrated microcontroller logic to identify fire breakout locations and severity. Data fusion algorithm facilitates the system to discard deceptive fire situations such as: LPG, smoke, CH4 etc. During fire hazard the proposed system monitors and controls the particular area using the inductive actuator and sends SMS through GSM to the fire service or maintenance room. Along with fire notification, also announces the fire affected locations and severity. To prevent fire from further spreading, isolation of electric circuits in the affected area will be carried out and also switch ON the ventilation and aeration fan pointing to the exact fire locations to evacuate the gas. Overall performance is evaluated through experimental tests by creating real time fire hazard prototype scenarios to investigate reliability. It is observed that the proposed system demonstrated its efficiency most of the cases perfectly.
The project is use to take reading electrical energy consumer in units, and display on an LCD screen to the user with Cost and consumption. This data is also send to the service provider using GSM for generate billing. to know the user to high electricity cost now a days it becomes necessary for his budget.
In this proposed system, the user will also get energy consumption unit on a LCD display. The same is sent through GSM modem to the electricity provider via SMS. Armega48 microcontroller of PIC family is interfaced to the energy meter to get the Watt Hour pulses.
The microcontroller then processes these pulses, to calculate the units consumed and cost’s modem for sending the data to the electricity service provider via SMS. and also user can controller the load by sending sms to on that particular load.
Today there are many accidental cases, the main reason of which is drunk and drive. This paper is about how the security for vehicles can be improved and the drunk and drive cases can be reduced. The main purpose of this project is to create a more secure ignition system then the traditional one. In the traditional model the security is too low but in this model if the vehicle operator is trying to start the engine after taking alcohol the engine ignition system will not start resulting failure of operation by operator. Also the new system can also be controlled by the modern age of technology which is the smartphone. The controlling of the vehicle can also be done by using the smartphone.
Now a days due to easy availability of all the information on the internet, students are less motivated to attend the classes, due to which most of the students are unable to maintain minimum attendance. This work is to simplify attendance recording system by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. RFID based Attendance recorder with SMS alert System is a web based application that will be developed to overcome the above stated problem. The system will be developed by using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) technology and database support. The information from RFID Database handling System will be used for taking attendance and for sending SMS alert also. This System interacts with parents by sending message. Therefore, the system functionality is not only records the student attendance, but also sends alert SMS to their parents when the student is absent.
The aim of this research is to design and implement a prototype of a home energy management system based on SMS service on GSM network. The proposed system can remotely monitor and control the home appliances using a mobile phone. The proposed system consists of a microcontroller connecting home appliances and lighting through sensors and relays. The microcontroller is also connected with a GSM module to support this system operate with an existing GSM network. This system is implemented using a GSM module that is connected with the personal computer representing the designed microcontroller. The home appliances, sensors and relays are modeled and simulated using Visual Basic programs. Software programs are developed and built into the personal computer to activate and control the home appliances according to received commands from the user mobile phone or to monitor and send their status to the mobile phone according to user request. The implemented system is tested practically with several cases at different times and it operates successfully with reasonable flexibility and secure operation. A good compatibility of the developed programs is achieved, since the system is running continuously without interruption under normal conditions of GSM network operation.
In this paper, GSM-Based Automation of Electrical Household Appliances is presented. The system is designed to allow the user to switch ON/OFF his/her electrical home appliances via mobile phone. The user sends an SMS with the keyword ‘LL1’ to the receiver panel at home, the antenna picks the signal and forward to the microcontroller which encodes the keywords and send instructions to trigger any device connected to the system. For switching OFF the appliance, he/she also needs to send an SMS with the keyword ‘LL0’.The system was
implemented and tested with accurate results.
Our proposed project allows user to control the speed and direction of a stepper motor remotely from anywhere. The system works by receiving stepper motor control instructions from user through an SMS message. Our system consists of a gsm modem along microcontroller and motor driver to control the motor. Once the user sends an SMS message it is received by the gsm modem receiver. The modem not sends this message to the microcontroller. The microcontroller decrypts the message and them checks the command. Based on the command received the microcontroller sends out command signal to the motor driver IC. The motor driver now drives the stepper motor as per the signal received. We here provide the user with commands to operate the motor as needed that to remotely. By integrating GSM technology in it we allow the system to be used over long distances as desired. Our project brings forward an approach to run stepper motors remotely with ease.
In light of the present situation of the metro cities and other big cities, women security has emerged as one of the most important requirements in our country. In this world of advanced technology and smart electronics it is required to have a simple and cost-effective safety gadget that helps the victims during unforeseen dangers. This paper covers descriptive details about the design and implementation of prototype for an electronic gadget which has the potential to serve as a safety wear in the coming years. The device consists of a switch, microcontroller (ATmega328P), GSM module (SIM900), GPS module (Neo6M), buzzer, and pulse sensor (SEN-11574). The main working of this project is that anytime a woman senses danger, all she has to do, is to hold on the button of the device. Once the device is activated, it tracks the place of the women using GPS (Global Positioning System) and sends emergency messages using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication), to already registered mobile number and the police control room. The pulse sensor checks the pulse of victim and in abnormal health situation the device also sends current GPS location to ambulance at every 10 sec in form of SMSs .The main advantage of this system is that this device small and easy to carry. The use of sophisticated components ensures accuracy and makes it reliable
A classification of accident by their effects derailments. Head on collision one type of train accident is when two trains collide front face with each other or train colliding on the same track from opposite ends called head on collision. Rear end collision the other kind is when a train collides into the other that is in front of it called a rear end collision. When the train arrives in a particular direction the transmitter IR senses and generates appropriate signal then at the same time the IR receives the signal and generates an interrupt. When interrupt is generated the stepper motor rotates in clockwise direction. When the interrupt ends the stepper motor rotates in anti-clock wise direction. The ministry of railways has taken steps to reduce the consequential train collisions accidents and level crossing accidents. Automatic Railway Safety System can sense the presence of fire and smoke and generate a series of alarm driven events after it. When the fire is detected it turns on a motor which is depicted in the project as breaking system or chain pulling mechanism. Thus by this the train can be stopped and the passengers and other payloads can be safeguarded thereafter. Along with breaking, the system sounds a buzzer that would alert nearby people around it so that they can be cautious about the presence of fire in the Train. Also, an SMS is sent to the Railway Authorities which will help them to take quick decisions to take control of the fire and in evacuating the Train. Hence this project offers a very robust mechanism for safety in the Railways which works automatically with the help of microcontrollers and sensors.
Currently most of the public having their own vehicle, theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving insecurity places. The safe of vehicles is extremely essential for public vehicles. Vehicle tracking and locking system is installed in the vehicle, to track the place and locking engine motor. The place of the vehicle is identified using Global Positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile communication (GSM). These systems constantly watch a moving vehicle and report the status on demand. When the theft is identified, the responsible person sends SMS to the microcontroller, then microcontroller issue the control signals to stop the engine motor. Authorized person needs to send the password to controller to restart the vehicle and open the door. This is more secured, reliable and low cost.
Home security system is needed for convenience and safety. This system invented to keep home safe from intruder. In this work, we present the design and implementation of a GSM based wireless home security system. which take a very less power. The system is a wireless home network which contains a GSM modem and magnet with relay which are door security nodes. The system can response rapidly as intruder detect and GSM module will do alert home owner. This security system for alerting a house owner wherever he will. In this system a relay and magnet installed at entry point to a precedence produce a signal through a public telecom network and sends a message or redirect a call that that tells about your home update or predefined message which is embedded in microcontroller. Suspected activities are conveyed to remote user through SMS or Call using GSM technology.
The “Factory Worker Alcohol Detector System with Automatic Machine Shutdown” is a system that is intended to protect the factory worker, the machine and safeguard the huge investment of the owner by preventing accident in the factory. It is a system that checks the workers condition constantly to know his state; if he is drunk or normal. If he is in drunken condition, then also check the range of drunken value; if it is above the permissible range then shut down the machine automatically to prevent any accident that may occur as a result of his operation on the machine. In the Cement factory for instance, the worker may need to work at heights or depths as much as 1000 meters from ground level, at temperatures above 1200°C, and high system operating pressures above 6 bars. There are so many machines involved which are costly and their operations are complicated. For operating these complicated systems, the worker should be in mentally fit condition. If the Worker is drunk, it directly affects his mental condition and in this condition if he operates the machine, he can easily make mistakes that can lead to a serious accident with consequences such as damage to the machine, environment, injury or even loss of life. For preventing this life or business loss, a system has been designed with the help of the AVR microcontroller, alcohol detector sensor, LCD display, GSM modem, relays, an alarm system and a DC motor. The system shuts down the motor automatically, sends an alert message to an authorized mobile GSM number, and raises an alarm after detecting that the worker’s drunken condition is above permissible range.
Power meter billing plus load control using GSM (global system for mobile) system is a device, that not only calculate the monthly electric bill of consumer, as well as it also has a capability to control the load of user defined area. Beside this, the user can get their home load information and on or off their loads with the help of mobile phone. In other words, it has dual function capability. So many systems are available in market like this, but they do not have dual function capability as well as their cost is also so much high.
Beside this they are not so much efficient and reliable. We have designed this power meter billing plus load control using GSM system with the help of step down ac transformer, bridge rectifier, voltage regulator, LCD display, relay Driver, Max 232, energy meter, GSM modem and microcontroller 18F452 belongs to pic family. This power meter billing plus load control using GSM system controls the load of user defined area and calculate their monthly bill more efficiently and intelligently as compared to other systems.
Nowadays all nations keep its security at high priority. Wars are being fought for land, water and acquiring the position of most powerful nation. A country’s arm forces consist of three professional uniformed services: the army, the navy, and the air force. Soldiers being the backbone of any armed force usually lose their lives due to lack of medical help when in emergency, also soldiers who are involved in missions or in special operations get straggled on war fields and lose contact with the authorities. To overcome this concerns we had built this project which, using wireless body area sensor network (WBANS) such as temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor etc. will monitor the health status of the soldier whenever required. Also using GPS we can track the soldier’s exact location whenever required. Using oxygen level sensor we can also monitor the environmental condition, so authorities can provide essential aids. The communication is established between the soldiers and authorities via GSM. Any abnormalities in the readings of wireless body area sensor network (WBASNs) is considered as a trigger for GSM to establish the connection between the soldier and base unit and send current location and health status to the receiver. By using all this equipment’s we had tried to implement the basic guarding system for the soldier in low cost, light weighted, portable and precise device.
This paper is to develop a wireless black box using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system for accidental monitoring. The system consists of cooperative components of an accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS device and GSM module. If any accident occurs, this wireless device will send mobile phone a short massage indicating the position of vehicle by tracing th e location of the vehicle through GPS system to family member, emergency medical service (EMS) and nearest hospital. . The threshold algorithm and speed of motorcycle are used to determine fall or accident in real-time. This paper uses temperature sensor and which are interfaced to the micro controller. With the help of temperature sensor we can measure amount of temperature exhausted from the vehicle.
In case of house arrests or when a person is prohibited from moving out of a particular geographical system, it is very difficult to keep a constant watch on the person. Also it is difficult to track if any prisoner among the huge number of prisoners has escaped from prison by underground tunnel or by hiding in some opaque object. For such situations we propose a gps based handcuff system that automates this process. The system tracks user(convict) through his receiver system by checking if it is in range of facility. Now the user is only allowed to move within a particular geographical area. When the user moves within any geographical area the system on person is in range of the prison/house or facility system and does not track him. This is done by using rf wireless system. Now as soon as user goes out of the specified geographic area the system detects that the persons system is not receiving signals from the transmitter mounted in the prison. The system now triggers an alarm on system mounted on user and also transmits the users gps coordinates to the authority contact number through sms for tracking the escaped person. Thus this system automates the entire process of criminal handling, house arrests using avr family microcontroller.
The Landmine detecting robots are designed to cover maximum possible area of landmine field for detection of landmines. The detected landmines along with scanned and leftover area are represented on a visual map with accuracy in millimetres. This paper presents a prototype model of land mine detecting robot that is powerful yet low cost and easily controllable. A graphical user interface is developed for plotting the landmines, scanned & leftover area presentation, PID tuning and camera alignment. Emphasis is placed on the control of the differential drive robot in auto mode, semi-auto mode and the manual mode. Image processing technique is employed to find the accurate position of robot which provides the live reckoning feedback to the dead reckoning servo control of the robot. Metal detector is the sensor used to detect landmines. The graphical user interface for the remote terminal computer provides the effective control for the robot. The system is simple but powerful and intelligible to achieve the required results.
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